Frequently Asked Questions

Allergens, mold, volatile organic compounds and semi-volatile organic compounds, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, formaldehyde, combustible gasses, heavy metals, plastics and elevated sources of electromagnetic fields.

Common symptoms of toxicity are brain fog, poor sleep, headaches, fatigue, ongoing sinus and respiratory issues, low energy, skin issues, tingling and/or burning sensations to extremities, dizziness and palpitations. Another way to tell if you are being affected by toxins within your home is once you leave your space your symptoms improve.

Anyone searching for assistance in creating a healthy space and those who want to invest in their health in creating a home that enhances their wellbeing.

Today we are inundated by toxic exposures both indoor and outdoor. The home however is the one place we have complete control over. According to the EPA we spend 90% of our time indoors and unfortunately these spaces are overlooked and not taken into consideration as a source of “dis-ease.” Our goal at Nesta Healthy Homes is to shift the way we build and think of our homes.

Full home assessments can range from 4 to 8 hours depending on the size of your home.

All problems can be addressed however it is important to understand that some findings may take longer to resolve or may not completely resolve. Findings can also change day to day and or at certain times of the day. Our goal is to get your home as healthy and safe as possible by focusing on three key areas. Areas closest to the body, where we reside the longest and where we sleep. I may be able to correct findings myself while some findings may require further assistance for example an electrician.

No. My pricing covers my assessment services only. If an electrician or engineer is warranted, this would be an additional cost.

I will travel out of Orlando and out of the state with additional travel charges

We Cannot Wait To Help You Start This Journey And Turn Your Home Into A Sactuary