
My Story

Hi there! I’m Sarah!

At the age of 25 I started struggling with my health. It took quite some time to understand what was happening and to realize I was suffering from a heavy toxic burden. Once I started decreasing my exposures to harmful ingredients, products and being mindful about EMFs my health started to improve! My journey made me realized how overlooked environmental toxins are to our health and that health starts at home. It is now my mission to raise awareness on decreasing toxic exposures and help others live a healthier life. That mission led me to become formally trained as a Building Biology Environmental Consultant and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist.

A Building Biologist studies the way our built environment impacts our health and creates healthier spaces to live in. Many people are struggling with their health and looking for answers but we are not assessing the one place we spend 90% of our time…our home. I believe that creating a healthier living environment can be the difference between health and a body in a state of “dis-ease.


About Nesta Healthy Homes


Nesta Healthy homes was created to help others turn their homes into a sanctuary that enhances overall health and wellbeing. Building Biologists assess toxins in your environment and assist in reducing your exposures so you can have a safe and nurturing home. 


Here is how we work; We start with a consultation call to explore your concerns and set up a plan based on your needs. We schedule a time to come and assess your home. We write a report outlining our findings and help to improve your space by improving air and water quality and reducing sources of elevated electromagnetic fields. We also provide education on making healthier alternatives to daily lifestyle products.


The world of toxins can be overwhelming and though it is unrealistic to completely avoid environmental toxins, we can help to reduce your exposures which will make a significant improvement in your health. Whether you have been affected by environmental toxins or want to be proactive in creating a healthier space, Nesta Healthy Homes can help! A healthier home is a healthier you!


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We Cannot Wait To Help You

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Our Why

We genuinely want to see people living healthier and living to their full potential while aging gracefully.

I believe creating a safe and healthy indoor living environment is the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to living a healthy and vibrant life.

Let us help you to achieve a healthy home and a healthier life!

Our How

Building Biologists make the invisible visible. We use air and water quality testing equipment and meters to identify sources of electromagnetic fields as well as the education to help you become more mindful about toxic exposures. We provide recommendations and help mitigate areas that may be harmful to your health.


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We cannot wait to help you start this journey and turn your home into a Sanctuary